主演:坎迪斯·伯根,John Hostetter 类型:喜剧 集数:22集导演:Barnet Kellman
状态:编剧:黛安·英格利什 年份:1988地区:美国
介绍:美国经典喜剧Murphy Brown讲述了一名坚强的女电视记者和她的朋友们的遭遇。 Murphy Brown是一名自私、顽固、性急但又聪明,足智多谋的中年记者,她在FYI新闻电视网工作。与此同时她还要作为名未婚的上班母亲抚养她的孩子。生活很艰难但她仍然勇敢的面对。 Mu... 详细介绍
美国经典喜剧<Murphy Brown>讲述了一名坚强的女电视记者和她的朋友们的遭遇。
Murphy Brown是一名自私、顽固、性急但又聪明,足智多谋的中年记者,她在FYI新闻电视网工作。与此同时她还要作为名未婚的上班母亲抚养她的孩子。生活很艰难但她仍然勇敢的面对。
Murphy Brown is a very selfish, stubborn, extremely hot-tempered but also talented, resourceful, clever and caring middle-aged reporter who works for FYI News Network and at the same time tries to raise her child as an unmarried, working woman. Her friends and co-workers, Corky, Jim, Frank and Miles, try to balance between her outbursts of anger and her family, personality or even financial crises. It's a difficult life for Murphy but she's got the guts to live it.
Murphy Brown is one of TV's most honored journalists. Brilliant and persistent, Murphy is unafraid to ask tough questions of the mighty. She is also an unabashed liberal who is considered an enemy of George Bush's White House. Murphy works for "FYI," a Washington-based network TV newsmagazine series. A recovering alcoholic, Murphy returns from a stay at the Betty Ford rehabilitation center, free of booze and cigarettes -- and correspondingly cranky. Her TV show has a new producer, a whiz-kid half Murphy's age. She's also working with an airheaded ex-Miss America, a befuddled anchorman and her best friend, a danger-loving gonzo reporter. Can Murphy Brown make a comeback to be the best in the business? How can she not!